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Services and Fees

Eye Examination including Optomap (Redhill)                             Â£65

-Fully comprehensive eye examination including eyesight check, health check, eye pressures, muscle balance, and visual field testing.

-An Optomap ultra-widefield scan that shows the ​health of your eyes.

-Other tests may apply if indicated by the Optometrist.  

Eye Examination including OCT (Reigate)                                    £65

-Fully comprehensive Private eye examination including eyesight check, health check, eye pressures, muscle balance, visual field testing, retinal photography, and OCT

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Contact Lens Fitting                                                                   Â£45

-Assessment of suitability for contact lenses

-Discussion of best-suited lenses to the patient

-Contact lens fitting check

-Teaching you how to insert and remove contact lenses

-Follow up appointment (1-2 weeks later) 

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Contact Lens Aftercare                                                         Â£35

-It is important to get your eyes and contact lenses checked regularly

-Our Optometrist will address any problems, queries you have, check the fitting and check the health of the external eye. 

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MiSight Contact Lens Consultation                                         Â£75

-MiSight contact lenses are specialist soft daily lenses to help slow down the progression of myopia in children.

-Our Optometrist will discuss how the contact lenses will work, how it will impact your day to day life and the benefit of such a lens.

-Contact lens fitting check

-Teaching you how to insert and remove contact lenses

-1st Follow up appointment (1-2 weeks later)

-2nd Follow up appointment (4 weeks after the first follow up. 


Eye Examination, contact lens check and Optomap                £100

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Emergency appointment                                                       Â£50

In the event that you experience an eye problem that requires same-day attention, it is vital for our Optometrist to examine the eyes to help diagnose and resolve the problem.

Symptoms may be:

Red eye or eyelids

Dry eye, or gritty and uncomfortable eyes

Flashes and Floaters

Irritation and inflammation of the eye

Significant recent sticky discharge from the eye or watery eye

In-growing eyelashes

Recent and sudden loss of vision

-Please note this is NOT a full eye examination.

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Emergency (flashes & floaters) including Optomap 

(1hr appointment)                                                                £95

-In the event that you experience a flashing of light, black hair, cobweb or sudden cloudy vision it would require same day attention.

-Our Optometrist will take time to understand and investigate the cause of your symptoms, conducting a dilated examination and performing a 5 position Optomap.

-Our Optometrist will write a referral letter the same day (should you need it). 

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Optomap/OCT Review                                                           Â£35

-Our ethos at The Eye Studios is to provide excellent eye care to our patients. Often, we may pick up something at your eye examination, which does not require referral but would be best monitored.

-Our Optometrist may request you to return a few months later to review any findings on the Optomap or OCT.

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Dry Eye Assessment (1-hour appointment)                             Â£65

-Our Optometrist will undertake a comprehensive history and symptoms examination, followed by a series of different tests to assess the root cause of your dry eye problems.

-Our optometrist will provide a treatment plan to help combat your dry eye symptoms and follow up with an appointment to review your eyes 8-12 weeks later. 

© 2018 Redhill Eye Studio

Redhill Eye Studio

51 High Street | Redhill | Surrey | RH1 1RX

01737 789 924

Reigate Eye Studio

16 High Street | Reigate | Surrey | RH2 9AY

01737 333 111

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